Friday, December 19, 2008

My first blog. . .

So many of my friends have tried this, so I thought I would try it too. It's six days until Christmas, and thankfully, I am done shopping and wrapping. It's time to enjoy the season.

This has been a good year for our family. Jackson just turned six. He's in kindergarten and loving it. He's so smart! I can't believe he's six years old already. It seems like only yesterday that I was patting his little baby booty. Now, he's losing his baby teeth.

Ryan is 20 months old. He's rotten! He follows Jackson around like a puppy and wants everything he has. He talks so much too. He's precious, but definitely rotten!

Michael and I have been married for almost ten years now. We are so busy that sometimes it seems like we hardly see eachother. I'm so proud of all that Michael has accomplished in his career. And I know there are more good things in his future. He's a great husband and father.

I'm just trying to keep up with my three boys. It's a full time job on top of my full time job as a sales assistant for a regional brokerage firm. I love being a mom and wife!

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